Online Safety
Online Safety
The world we live in is changing rapidly and technological advancements are at the heart of this. We know that the use of the internet, mobile phones and online Apps and games are rapidly becoming the norm and children have access to these from a young age. At Bedonwell Junior School, we believe in equipping the children with the skills to use technology safely to ensure that they are digitally responsible.
At school, online safety is taught as part of our computing curriculum along with an additional half termly lesson dedicated purely to online safety. In the dedicated lessons we promote responsible internet use, as well as talking to the children about ensuring their use of technology is safe.
We have included links to support both children and parents with online safety concerns. These of course can be discussed with Mrs Webb, our Designated Safeguarding and Online Safety Lead.
Our E-Safety policy is held within the policies section of the website - this policy is reviewed annually.
Here is some information for parents/carers about some games and apps your child might be familiar with:
FortniteRobloxThe NSPCC have recently launched their 'Share Aware' campaign to support parents in keeping their children safe online. Here is the link to their resources and information:
and a parent information leaflet here: NSPCC_Parents_guide_to_share-aware.pdf
Please click here for a parent guide to being 'media smart'.
The links below provide further useful information and guidance regarding online safety.